SUIS Gubei is invested in fostering opportunities for students to gain global exposure, particularly in university preparation. The university counseling department has been actively organizing events that allow students and educators to engage with representatives from institutions in the UK and the US. These interactions provide a unique opportunity for students to gather information directly from university admissions officers, faculty, and alumni, significantly enriching their decision-making process as they prepare for higher education.
This level of engagement is crucial for students aspiring to study abroad, as it offers more than just surface-level insights into university life. Students can ask specific questions, interact one-on-one with representatives, and explore the academic and cultural offerings of each institution. The benefit of these experiences extends beyond academic advice, as students also gain valuable insight into the nuances of campus life, extracurricular activities, and support services.
As Nathan, a senior at SUIS Gubei, expressed: “These events offer opportunities to ask specific questions, interact with admissions officers, and connect with current students or alumni, all of which contribute to making informed decisions about university choices. Moreover, actively participating in these events reflects a proactive attitude and genuine interest in the institution, which can enhance an application.”
King’s College London (KCL)
伦敦国王学院 (KCL)
Mr Walsh and Ms Sheng at the KCL dinner reception
KCL invited Principal Mr Walsh and Head of University Guidance Counseling Ms Sheng to an exclusive dinner reception in Shanghai. This event brought together prominent educational leaders and provided an invaluable opportunity for the SUIS Gubei leadership team to engage with KCL representatives. Mr Walsh and Ms Sheng participated in meaningful discussions about the future of higher education. During the dinner, they had in-depth conversations with several KCL leadership and faculty members, including Professor Shitij Kapur, Vice-Chancellor & President, and Professor Nicki Cohen, Dean of Medical Education. Through these interactions, they gained a deeper understanding of KCL’s mission to shape lives and empower communities through education. They were very pleased to know that KCL’s on-going effort in supporting Chinese students such as providing mental health counseling service in Mandarin and China job market oriented career services. SUIS Gubei looks forward to working closely with KCL in preparing and guiding our UK bound students.
伦敦国王学院(KCL)邀请协和古北校区校长Walsh先生和大学升学指导主任盛老师参加了一场于上海举办的专属晚宴招待会。此次活动汇聚了多位知名教育领袖,为协和古北校领导团队提供了与KCL代表交流的宝贵机会。Walsh校长和盛老师在晚宴期间与校长兼副校长Shitij Kapur教授、医学院院长Nicki Cohen教授在内的多位KCL领导进行了深入交流,围绕高等教育的未来展开了富有意义的讨论。通过这些互动,更深入地了解了KCL通过教育改变生活、赋能社区的使命。KCL一直致力于支持中国学生,提供包括普通话心理健康咨询服务和面向中国就业市场的职业发展服务。
Professor Shitij Kapur, Vice-Chancellor & President and Ms Sheng at the KCL dinner reception
KCL校长Shitij Kapur教授和盛女士在KCL晚宴上合照
Mr Walsh and Ms Sheng expressed their enthusiasm for further collaboration with KCL. SUIS Gubei looks forward to preparing and guiding its UK-bound students, ensuring they have the resources and support they need to succeed in their academic journeys abroad.
University College London (UCL)
Another exciting engagement for SUIS Gubei students was with representatives from University College London. UCL has long been recognized as one of the leading universities globally, known for its innovative approach to education and its commitment to research. The university representatives shared insights about UCL’s unique academic environment and its competitive admissions process.
Andrew, a student involved in cancer research at SUIS Gubei, reflected on the insights he gleaned: “Students should focus on developing strong extracurricular activities outside of their academic performance, such as participating in research projects, internships, or volunteer programs. These experiences demonstrate initiative and depth of character, which can set applicants apart in UCL’s competitive admission process.”
我校学生Andrew在分享他的收获时表示:“学生除了注重学业成绩,还应积极参与课外活动,比如研究项目、实习或志愿服务。这些经历能够展示学生的主动性和个人素质,有助于在UCL竞争激烈的招生过程中脱颖而出。” Andrew在校内学习之余,还参与了癌症研究的活动丰富自己的经历。
The event also touched on how SUIS Gubei’s International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum aligns with UCL’s academic expectations. Faye, another student, shared her thoughts: “The exploration of one’s major and interest does not lie in the general breadth, but in the depth of reflection, and there are in fact many opportunities inside the IB curriculum, such as the extended essay (EE), that allow us to explore our interest and prepare for the application.”
For students like Andrew and Faye, who are considering applying to UCL, the event offered them the chance to reflect on how they can showcase their academic achievements and personal passions in a way that aligns with the university’s values. UCL’s representatives helped students remember that it’s not just about meeting academic requirements; it is about demonstrating the ability to think critically, engage deeply with a subject, and contribute meaningfully to the university community.
InitialView University Fair
Initial View 大学展
Beyond UK universities, students at SUIS Gubei have engaged with US institutions. One such opportunity came in the form of the InitialView University Fair (schools like Northwestern, Vanderbilt, and Pomona were in attendance), which introduced students to the admissions process of numerous top-tier US universities. The fair was particularly valuable for students interested in understanding the holistic admissions process that many US universities follow.
Sandra, a student interested in studying the sciences, found the fair particularly enlightening: “US universities focus more on holistic development, extracurricular activities, leadership skills, and how you can contribute to society. But they also require a strong academic foundation, with a heavy reliance on your personal essay to outline your uniqueness and motivation.”
The concept of holistic development resonates with many students at SUIS Gubei, as it encourages them to excel not just academically but in other areas such as leadership, sports, and the arts. The fair emphasized the value of students’ balancing their favorite academic subjects with other pursuits. This approach ensures that students present themselves as well-rounded individuals in their university applications, a factor that is highly valued by US admissions officers.
结 语
The university counseling events at SUIS Gubei provide invaluable opportunities for students to gain firsthand knowledge about the universities they aspire to attend. These interactions with UK and US university representatives offer insights into the admissions process, the academic and extracurricular expectations, and the support services available to international students. By actively participating in these events, students and educators not only gather information but also demonstrate their genuine interest in the institutions, which can enhance their university applications.
As SUIS Gubei continues to nurture its partnerships with universities, it reaffirms its commitment to preparing students for the global stage. University fairs ensure they are well-equipped to navigate the diverse and competitive landscape of higher education by having direct conversations with representatives and admissions officers. For the brilliant learners at SUIS Gubei, these events represent a crucial step in their academic journey, empowering them to make informed decisions about their futures and positioning them for success in the global academic community.